Qualification : M.Sc, B.Ed (C.U)
Designation : Guest Lecturer
Teaching Experience : 01 Year
Any other academic experience :
- Worked at child line (Central Govt. Project under Ministry of Women & child Department).
- Conducted practice teaching at St. John’s Diocesan School.
Teaching topics: UG level : Educational Psychology, Practical.
Research Interest : Stress and Community Psychology.
Conference/Seminars :
- Attended national Symposim on ‘Living Through Disaster’: Psychological policy perspective.
- Attended Seminar on “ Management of Borderline Disorder : Key issues ‘ – Organised by Association of Clinical Psychologists.
- Attended Dance Movement Therapy Seminar in Pradip – Centre for Autism Management, Kolkata.
- Attended workshop on Training Programme for Cousellors in STI/RTI services 2013.
Published Papers : 3
Any other relevant information : Stood 1st class 2nd in M.Sc (C.U) and received Amina Sen Memorial Award for it.