Dr. Stella Chitralekha Biswas
State Aided College Teacher
Department of English
Dr. Stella Chitralekha Biswas completed her PhD in April, 2022 from the Centre for Comparative Literature and Translation Studies, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, India. She completed her M.Phil. from the same university in 2018 on the prostitution question and sexuality discourses in colonial Bengal. Her research interests include juvenile literature, pedagogy, speculative fiction, postcolonial studies, sexuality and gender studies, etc. She has published papers in peer-reviewed journals such as Bookbird, Indialogs, postScriptum, Middle Flight, Lapis Lazuli, Café Dissensus and has also contributed chapters to a number of edited volumes by national and international publishers of repute. She has a few forthcoming publications by the Edinburgh University Press, Bloomsbury Press, Routledge and the Nordic Journal of Childlit Aesthetics. She has previously been reviewer for the Journal of Juvenilia Studies, a peer-reviewed bi-annual journal published by the International Society for Literary Juvenilia and hosted by the University of Alberta Libraries.
Research Areas of Dr. Stella Chitralekha Biswas are as follows:
- Juvenile Literature
- Childhood Studies
- Pedagogy
- Speculative Fiction
- Postcolonial Studies
- Sexuality and Gender Studies
UG level:
- Indian Writing in English (CC3)
- English Communications / MIL (AECC2)
- American Literature (CC5)
- Creative Writing (SEC2)
- British Romantic Literature (CC9)
- Media and Communication (GE1)
- ELT (SEC1)
- The Individual and Society (GE1/DSC1)
- Literary Types and Terms (DSE01T)
- Compulsory English (LCC)
P.G. level:
- Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century (Fiction & Non-Fictional Prose) (Core 9)
- Modernism and After II (Core 16)
- ‘The Travels and Travails of a Bengali: Reading Sanjib Chandra Chattopadhyay’s Palamau’, Café Dissensus (e-ISSN: 2373-17X), Volume 9, Issue 56, n.p., 2020.
- Book Review of Revisiting India’s Partition: New Essays on Memory, Culture and
Politics in Lapis Lazuli (ISSN: 2249-4529), Volume 10, Issue 2, n.p., 2020. - ‘Alternative Worlds: Ecocritical Tendencies in Select Bengali Speculative Fiction’ in Middle Flight (ISSN: 2319-7684), Volume 9, Issue 1, pp.: 372-380, 2020.
- ‘A Revolution in Print: Multimodality in Bengali Children’s Literature and Its Challenges’ in Bookbird: Journal of International Children’s Literature (ISSN: 0006-7377 / e-ISSN: 1918-6983), Volume 59, Issue 1, pp.: 41-51, 2021.
- ‘”Sons of Bengal” and the Absent Daughters: Gender, Performativity and Nationalism in Bengali Juvenile Literature’ in Indialogs: A Spanish Journal of India Studies (e-ISSN: 2339-8523), Volume 8, pp.: 183-200, 2021.
- ‘Daughters of the Nation: Revisiting Women’s Speculative Writings in Bengal’ in Postscriptum (e-ISSN: 2456-7507), Volume 6, Issue 1, pp.: 40-51, 2021.
- Book review of Noise Cancellation by Dr. Jhilam Chattaraj, published by Outlook in 2022.
- Critical blog on ‘To Believe or not to Believe: Bengali Childhoods and Indigenous Horror Fiction’ published on the website of the Association for Children’s Literature in South Asia in 2022.
Book Chapters
- ‘‘Displaced Women’: Reading the Politics of Representing Prostitutes in Colonial Bengal’ in The Dynamics of Gender: New Approaches in Feminism (ISBN: 978-81-943450-7-7), pp. 214-228; 2020. Editors: Amina Hussain and Mustabshira Siddiqui.
- ‘A Gendered Space: A Critical Study of Juvenile Periodicals in Colonial Bengal’ in Feminist Research Approaches in Practice (ISBN: 978-81-8209-493-2), pp. 71-92; 2020. Editor: Dr. V. Bharathi Harishankar.
- ‘Nature and the Nation: Revisiting the Dynamics of Gender and Ecocriticism in Periodicals for Children in Colonial Bengal’ in Gender Dynamics and the Emerging Issues in Twenty First Century (ISBN: 978-9390692187), pp. 112-122; 2021. Editors: Aliva Mohanty, Sayantani Behura, Geetanjali Naik and Suprit Panigrahi.
- ‘Assertive Heroes and Male Heterotopia: Revisiting Select Detective Fiction by Hemendra Kumar Roy’ in Critical Essays on English and Bengali Detective Fiction (ISBN: 179364957X, 9781793649577), pp. 157-164; 2022. Editor: Dr. Debayan Deb Barman.
- ‘Religious History of Food Consumption’ in TMYS Review September 2022, Stories, Poems, Essays on Food and Drinks (Cultural Identity & Ideology-II) (ISBN: 978-93-91800-34-5), pp. 159-168; 2022. Editor: Dr. Sourav Banerjee.