Applications are invited for the posts of Laboratory Attendant, Anthropology.
No. of Posts – 1 (Unreserved)
Essential Qualification : Passed Class VIII .
(Preference will be given to experienced candidates)
Age : 18 years to 40 years as on 01.11.2014.
Pay Scale : 4,900/- – 16,200/-
Applications are invited for the posts of Laboratory Attendant, Molecular Biology.
No. of Posts – 1 . (ST)
Essential Qualification : Passed Class VIII .
(Preference will be given to experienced candidates)
Age : 18 years to 45 years as on 01.11.2014.
Pay Scale : 4,900/- – 16,200/-
General Instruction:
Applications are to be sent in the format given in our website by ordinary post, not by registered post / speed post / courier service / by hand.
Last date of receiving application: 29th November, 2014, up to 2.30 p.m.
Persons employed in Government / Semi Government Organizations / Autonomous Bodies should submit their applications through proper channel. Those who are unable to process their application through proper channel may submit ‘No Objection Certificate (NOC)’ from present employer during the time of interview. However, they should submit an undertaking to that effect. Direct applications from such candidates will not be entertained.
Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) is applicable as per Government norms. Age relaxation is also applicable for those working in Sarojini Naidu College for Women.
Candidates should submit their SC/ST/OBC Certificate issued by Competent Authority in the prescribed format along with the application form, in support of their claim.
Candidates applying for more than one post may apply separately for each post.
Mere eligibility will not vest any right on any candidate for being called for interview. The decision of the College Authority in all matters will be final. No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates in connection with the process of selection / interview. Canvassing in any manner would entail disqualification of the candidature.
Incomplete applications or applications without attested copies of certificates or received after the last date are liable to be rejected. The College reserves the right to conduct written / screening test.