Sealed Tenders are invited from the willing Companies for the following items within 15 days from the publication on the Website/College Notice Board.
NIT: 2/16
Computers including internet: Hardware and Software supervision & Maintenance Services.
i) Hardware and Software repairing & maintenance services for fifty three (53) PCS. (may be increased from time to time)
ii) Hardware and Software services for four(4) Servers.
iii) Hardware and Software supervision , monitoring & maintenance for VDSL connection, internal LAN and WiFi system.
The Service person is expected to stay in the College premises at least for three days/week during the whole College hour. Apart from it, in case of any emergency, the call is to be attended on the same day.
NIT: 3/16
Computers and accessories:
i) Branded Server
ii) Printer with Scanner & Photocopier
iii) Printer
iv) Branded Computers
NIT: 4/16
Installation of Lift in the Main Building of the College.
NIT: 5/16
Construction of good quality Shed on the roof of the Main Building, Annex Building and Library of the College.
NIT: 6/16
Printing of
i) Letter head (A – 4 and Legal).
ii) Voucher.
iii) College Examination Sheet.
iv) Question Paper of College Examination.
v) Attendance Register (Students and staff).
Vi) College Prospectus.
Vii) Academic Calender.
Viii) College Magazine
NIT: 7/16
Smart Class room set up.