Instructions for the students:
Your Student ID and Roll No are being sent to you. Please check your email account registered to the college record during admission to find those. You will require your Roll Number for registration process in West Bengal State University. To verify your personal details in the college record follow the following procedure. Please note that all of your details which you will fill up during registration in the West Bengal State University must match with the details of the college record which you may check too, before proceeding towards University registration.
Checking information in college record and Changing H.GEC-1 paper:
Step 01. Go to the site
Step 02. Click at ‘Personal Profile’ under ‘UG Students’ tab.
Step 03. Enter your Student ID.
Step 04. Also enter your Date of Birth.
Step 05. Type the Captcha properly.
Step 06. Press at Search button to receive OTP in the registered mobile number.
Step 07. Enter OTP and press ‘Login’ button.
Step 08. A window of Personal details will appear. Verify Personal details (including spelling) with your academic and official records. Correction in some fields are allowed directly: i) Mother Tongue, ii) Blood Group, iii) Marital Status, iv) Extra-Curricular Activity, v) Parents’ Profession, vi) Parents’ qualification, vii) Local Address, PS & PIN (if different from Home address), viii) eMail-ID, and iX) Mobile Number.
Then press the ‘Update Profile’ button, if you have made any change. For other correction(s) mail to with supporting document(s).
Step 09. Click at ‘Choice of Paper’ under ‘UG Students’ tab.
Step 10. A window with programme and subject combination will appear. Any change in H.GEC-1 paper can be made from the available options in the dropdown list there.
Step 11. Press ‘Update Choice’ button if you made any change.
Step 12. Press ‘Print Papers’ button to download paper combination for future reference.
Step 13. Click at ‘Logout’ button.
For any assistance from our academic administration office regarding college record or portal: call 94335 45449 within 11AM to 5PM, Monday to Saturday every week.
For University Registration:
Step 01. Go to link
Step 02. Click at Registration for UG.
Step 03. Choose your college name.
Step 04. Page for Registration will appear. Fill up the fields. Be especially cautious to select Subject Of Study as Arts, to choose UG Type as Honours, to select your Honours Subject and to type college roll number correctly as mentioned at the first line of this email.
Step 05. Please note: fill up the subject choices for Honours subject, GEC subject at first semester only, strictly according to your choice of paper in college record and also choose AEC language (ENG/BNG/HIN/SAN) there. So fill those from your already downloaded paper combination document from the college portal
Step 06. Fill up your personal details and academic details strictly according to the information you provided to the college during admission. If you feel there should be some correction, rectify those first in the college record following the steps in the previous section.
CAUTION: Take utmost care to fill up the registration form at University portal strictly in accordance with the data found in the college portal Otherwise your registration and admission are liable to be cancelled. If you require to change any information change it first in the college portal following steps mentioned in the first part of this email.
For any assistance from our college office regarding University registration portal: call 97352 42837 within 11AM to 5PM, Monday to Saturday every week.