Rejina Kabir is presently working as an Associate Professor of Philosophy in Sarojini Naidu College for Women, Kolkata. She received her M. A. and M. Phil. degrees from the University of Calcutta. She has completed her graduation from Bethune College under the University of Calcutta. At present she is pursuing her Ph. D. under the University of Calcutta. Her keen area of interest is mainly Metaphysics in both Indian Philosophy and Western Philosophy. She has published some research articles in national journals and presented research papers in various national and international conferences.
Rejina Kabir is pursuing Ph.D from the University of Calcutta
Her research interests include Advaita Vedanta and Islamic Philosophy.
- Advaita Vedanta
- Dark Age in Western Philosophy
- Metaphysics
- Descartes: Method of Doubt, Cogito, Different Types of Ideas, Criterion of Truth, Theory of knowledge, Theory of Substance
- Spinoza:Substance, Attributes and Modes, Existence of God, Pantheism, Theory of knowledge
- Leibnitz:Innate Idea, Monad, Truths of Reason, Truths of Fact, Pre-established Harmony
- Basic concepts in Indian Philosophy:Ṛta, ṛṇa, Jajña, pañca-kośa, Ᾱtman, Brahman, jīva, śreyas, preya, mokṣa
- Cārvāka:Epistemology – Perception as the only source of Knowledge, Refutation of Inference Metaphysics – Causality: yadṛicchāvāda/svabhāvavāda/ākasmikatāvāda, jagat and bhūtacaitanyavāda
- Bauddha:Four noble truths, pratītyasamutpādavāda, kṣṇabhaṅgavāda, nairātmyavāda, Basic tenets of four Bauddha schools
- Jaina:Concepts of jīva, ajīva, dravya, guṇa, pary︡aya , anekāntavada, syādavāda
- Advaita Vedānta Philosophy of Śaṅkara: Sattvatraividhyavada, Vivartavada, Brahman, Relation of Brahman with Jīva and Jagat, Doctrine of Māyā
- Ramānuja: Brahman, Jīva, Jagat, Prapatti, Refutation of Śaṅkara’s theory of Māyā
- Teleologism:Hedonism, Utilitarianism and its different types (with special reference to Mill and Bentham) —Act, Rule
- Theories of Punishment
- Relation between Philosophy of Mind, Psychology and Philosophy of Psychology
- Psychology as science
- Associationism:Perception and Learning, Gestalt theory of Perception and Learning
- Methods of Psychology:Introspection, Extrospection and Experimental
- Freud’s Theory:Conscious and Unconscious, Id, Ego and Super Ego
- Indian Philosophy of Language:Text – Annaṁbhaṭṭa’s Tarkasaṁgrahaḥ with Dīpikā tika–Śabdakhandam
- Western Philosophy of Language:Hospers – Word, Meaning, Ambiguity, Vagueness
- Alston- Speech acts
- Russell, Problems of Philosophy – Appearance and Reality, Knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description, On induction, The Value of Philosophy.
- Vaiśeṣika Metaphysics: Seven categories: Outlines of Dravya, Guṇa, Karma, and Detailed Explanations of Sāmānya, Viśeṣa, Samavāya, and Abhāva
- Advaita Metaphysics: Nature of Brahman, Māyā, Jagat, Relation between Brahman and Jīva
- Introduction, Difference between Indian Ethics and Western Ethics
- Purusarthas: General view and their Inter-Relations
- Karma: Sakama, Niskama, Nitya-naimittik ,Kamya
- Carvaka Ethics
- Buddhist Ethics: The Four Noble Truths and the Eight-fold Path, Pancasila.
- Jaina Ethics: Anuvrata, Mahavrata
- Yoga:citta, cittabhūmi, cittavṛtti, cittavṛtti nirodha, aṣṭāṅgayoga
- Vedanta:Advaita Vedanta-Introduction [in brief]; sravana,manana,nididhyasana; Mukti-jibanmukti, videha mukti
- Vivekananda: Karmayoga
- Critical Thinking
- Media Ethics: What is Media Ethics, Roles and Impact of Media,
- Business Ethics:What is Business Ethics; Environmental Ethics related to business
- Book Review: Islam the Straight Path: Islam Interpreted by Muslims, (Article in UGC recognised peer reviewed journal), Name of the Journal: Quest: multidisciplinary journal of humanities and sciences, ISSN No. 2349-767X Vol.1, Issue.1, Article No.,2014 8.
- Bouddha Darshane Madhyapantha: Ekti Samiksha, Name of the Journal: Uddalak, ISSN No. 2320-9275, Article No. 1, pp.7-16, 2014.
- Women and Fundamental Rights: A Study of the Tenets in the Context of Islam, (Article in UGC recognised peer reviewed journal), Name of the Journal: Quest: multidisciplinary journal of humanities and sciences, ISSN No. 2349-767X, Vol.2 Issue.1, Article No. 4, 2015.
- The Concept of Brahman as Ultimate Reality in Advaita Veanta, (Article in UGC recognised peer reviewed journal), Name of the journal: Quest: multidisciplinary journal of humanities and sciences, ISSN No. 2349-767X, Vol.2, Issue.3, Article No. 4, 2016.
- Swadharmer Aaloke Mohiyoshi Kunti, Uddalak, ISSN No. 2320-9275, Article No.2, pp.12-20,2017.
- An Enquiry into the Nature of the Absolute Being as Necessary Existent: A Review after Ibn Sīnā, Name of the Journal: Lokāyata: Journal of Positive Philosophy, ISSN: 2249-8389, Vol.VII, No.2, Article No. 7, pp.64-72, 2017.
- Satyer Aaloke Anandamoyee o Sucharitar Pratibader Swarup Bisleshan, (Article in UGC recognised peer reviewed journal), Name of the journal: Quest: multidisciplinary journal of humanities and sciences, ISSN No. 2349-767X, Vol.3 Issue. 2, Article No 6, 2017.
- Ultimate Goal of Human Soul: A Review after Ibn Sīnā, (Article in UGC recognised peer reviewed journal), Name of the journal: Lokāyata: Journal of Positive Philosophy, ISSN: 2249-8389, Vol. VIII, No.2, Article No. 7, pp.42-53,2018.
- Darshaner Prekshite Bangla Upanyase Pratibadi Nari Charitra, (UGC Sponsored National Level Seminar Proceedings), Title of the Seminar: Bangla Upanyase Pratibadi Nari Charitra, Article No. 26,2013.
- Man-Making Education – In the Light of Vedantic Philosophy, (State Level Seminar Proceedings), Title of the Seminar: Impact and Relevance of Indian Philosophy on Education, Organised by Dum Dum Motijheel Rabindra Mahavidyalaya in collaboration with West Bengal State Universit, Article No. 7, pp. 40-50, 2012.
- Islame Manav Maryaday Naari, Journal of Human Sciences, (Peer Reviewed) , Vol.1, No.1, Article No.9, pp.125-130, 2016
Book Chapters
- The Relation between Jīva and Brahman: A Review after Advaita Vedānta, (International Conference Proceedings), Pursuits of Philosophical Thought, ISBN: 978-93-88207-07-2, Article No. 1, pp. 5-13, 2018.
- The Universe and Its Relation to the Absolute Being: A Review after Ibn Sīnā (International Conference Proceedings), Knowledge Mind and Reality, ISBN: 978-93-88207-56-0, Article No. 12, pp. 120-128, 2019.
- Juvenile Delinquency- A Psychological Review, (UGC Sponsored National Level Seminar Proceedings), Title of the Seminar: Juvenile Delinquency in India- Current Trends, ISBN: 978-93-81669-27-3, Article No. 18, pp.143-151, 2012
- Juvenile Delinquency: An Early Childhood Psychological Malady,Name of the Book: Bibarna Shaishab, ISBN:987-81-295-2429-4, Article No. 22, pp.201-209, 2015.
- Bharatiya Sangbidhaner Prastabona Prosonge Swadharmer Prasongikata, Name of the Book: Alor Sandhane, ISBN No.978-81-295-2777-6, Article No. 25, pp.239-247, 2016
- Swami Vivekānanda’s Notion of Knowledge in the Light of Advaita Vedānta, Name of the Book: Philosophy, Religion & Culture, ISBN: 978-93, Article No. 3, pp.35-43,2017.
- Administrative:Service Book and Pension Committee
- Academic:Co editor of the Online Journal, Quest: multidisciplinary journal of humanities and sciences
- Students’ Welfare: Students Grivance Redressal Cell