Mr. Azizul Biswas
Assistant Professor
Department of History
He is presently working as an Assistant Professor in substantive post in the Department of History at Sarojini Naidu College for Women since 01.03.2017.
He has published more than 12 articles in Various National and International Journals, published 16 books, 4 papers and presented 8 papers in National and International seminars. He has published more then 30 Post-Editorial articles in Bengali Daily Newspapers .
He presently pursuing his research work as a registered Ph.D Scholar of the Department of History, the University of Burdwan. The title of his proposed work is “Emergence of Slums in Siliguri during Post-Independence Period : A History of Displacement, Migration and Resettlement (1947-2011)”. He is very serious about his work and hard-working person.
Research areas of Mr. Azizul Biswas are as follows:
- History of Siliguri
- Slums
- Urbanisation
- History of India-I (From Earliest Times to c.300 BCE) (HISACOR01T)
- Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of the Ancient World (HISACOR02T)
- History of India-II (From c.300 BCE – ce.750 CE) (HISACOR03T)
- Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of the Medieval World (HISACOR04T)
- Rise of the Modern West- I (HISACOR06T)
- Rise of the Modern West-II (HISACOR08T)
- History of Modern Europe (1789 CE– 1919 CE) (HISACOR11T)
- Trends in World Politics (1919 CE-2001 CE) (HISACOR14T)
- History of South East Asia-I (HISADSE01T)
- History of South East Asia-II (HISADSE02T)
- History of India from the Earliest Times upto c.300 CE (HISHGEC01T)
- Some Aspects of European History: c.1780-1939 CE (HISGDSE04T)
- History of India from c.300 to 1206 CE (HISHGEC02T)
- History of India from 1206 to1707CE (HISHGEC03T)
- History of India from 1707 to 1950 CE (HISHGEC04T)
- Archives and Museums in India (HISSSEC01M)
- Understanding Indian Art (HISSSEC02M)
- History of Indian Journalism:Colonial and Post-Colonial Period (HISGGEC01T)
- Some Perspective on Women’s Rights in India (HISGGEC02T)
- Published a paper named ‘History of Transformation of Siliguri from Union Board to Municipal Corporation and its Development’, International Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD)Vol.7,Issue.8,Aug.2022, ISSN:2456-4184,pp.349-365(URL:
http://www.ijnrd.org/viewpaperforall.php?paper=IJNRD2208103) - Published a paper named ‘Notified Slums in Siliguri Town Before 2011:Growth ,Nature and Characterestics’ International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) Vol.9,Issue.3, Aug.2022, ISSN:2349-5138,pp.963-970(URL: http://www.ijrar.org/viewfull.php?&p_id=IJRAR22C2415)
- Published an article ” Saptahik ‘Shiliguri’ theke Dainik ‘Uttarbanga Sambad ‘ : Siligurir Sambadpatrer Itihas ” ,Itihas Anusandhan ,Vol.35, 2022, Pashchimbanga Itihas Samsad ,ISBN:978-81-956544-1-3, pp. 611-617
- Published an article ‘Syed Badrudduja “Rajnitir Ek Birol Baktitto” in a book Ananya Jananayak Syed Badrudduja 2021 ISBN : 978-93-84487-47-8
- Published a paper named ‘Tilak Maydan theke Kanchanjangha Krirangan : Footballer Itihase Siliguri ‘, Janapriya Sanskriti , Bhuwan o Bhabna , Vol.1,pt. 4, September 2020, ISBN No. 978-93-88207-85-0 ,pp 148-157<\li>
- Published a paper named ‘Sadhinata Andolone Siliguri:Patabhumi o Charitra’,Itihas o Sanskriti,Vol.4, pt. 4,July 2018, ISSN No.2394-5737,pp132-140
- Published a paper named Abdo theke Bangabdo:Bangla panjikar bibartan ,Itihas o Sanskriti,Vol.3, pt. 3, July2017, ISSN No.2394-5737, pp.243-251
- Published an article ‘Garur Gavire’ in a book named Garur Rachana edited by Nilarnav Chakrovorty ,published by Virasat Art Publication, ISBN: 978-81-937341-4-8, pp.119-130
- Published an article ‘Najruler Bidrahi Sattway Murshidabad , Najrul Saran sankhya , 1426 Bangabda , Agnibani , Nandagopal Foundation for Art and Calture .pp.26-27
- Published an article ‘Pir Auliyader Deshe Muhammader (Sa) Khoje , in a magazine Id sankhya 2018,Dindarpan , RNI No- WBBEN/2017/74735,pp.17-22
- Published an article ‘Thakurbarir Andormahale Sari Biplab ’ in a magazine Saradiya Sankhya Pratham barsho 1425 – Baithoki , Calcutta Television Network Pvt. Ltd
- Published an article ‘Panjikar Harir Khoje ’ in a magazine Nababarsho Sankhya Aajker Siliguri , 1421 bangabda , RNI No – WBBEN/2014/58490, pp.5-8
- Published an article ‘Anandamayir Deshprem ’ in a magazine Deshprem Sankhya Aajker Siliguri , 1421 bangabda , RNI No – WBBEN/2014/58490, pp.21-22
- Published an article ‘Pahare Netaji ’ in a magazine Deshprem Sankhya Aajker Siliguri , 1421 bangabda , RNI No – WBBEN/2014/58490, pp.17-18
- Published an article ‘Badsahi Range Holi ’ in a magazine Dol Sankhya Aajker Siliguri , 1421 bangabda , RNI No – WBBEN/2014/58490, pp.21-23
- Published an article ‘Leap Year e Lieepling ’ in a magazine Baradin Sankhya Aajker Siliguri , 1421 bangabda , RNI No – WBBEN/2014/58490, pp. 21-22
- Published an article ‘Raghu Dakater Ma Kali ’ in a magazine Dhanteras-Dipabali Sankhya Aajker Siliguri , 1421 bangabda , RNI No – WBBEN/2014/58490, pp.10-12
- Published an article ‘Mahabharater Aasal Tragic Charitra yagyaseni’ in a magazine Sharadiya Aajker Siliguri , 1421 bangabda , RNI No – WBBEN/2014/58490, pp.11-15/li>
Book Chapters
- Published a book as a main author named Bharatiya Sabhyatar Bibartan:1526AD-1757 A.D Kalyani Publishers,ISBN 978-81-945098-2-0.Dt.2020
- Published a book as a main author named Viswa Sabhyatay Rome Arab, Kalyani Publishers,ISBN978-93-5359-137-3 .Dt .2019
- Published a book as a main author named Bharatiya Sabhyatar Bibartan:300B.C-750A.D Kalyani Publishers,ISBN978-93-5359-119-9.Dt.2019
- Publish ed a book as co-author named Nabarupe Chatrabandhu Chhayasangi , VIII , Chhaya Prakashani Pvt. Ltd., ISBN-978-93-88495-92-9 ,Dt.2019
- Published a book as co-author named Nabarupe Chatrabandhu Chhayasangi , VII, Chhaya Prakashani Pvt. Ltd., ISBN-978-93-88495-91-2 ,Dt.2019
- Published a book as a main author named Social Formation and Cultural Pattern of Ancient World, Kalyani Publishers,ISBN978-93-272-9643-3.Dt. 2018
- Published a book as a main author named History of India -I , Kalyani Publishers , ISBN No -978-32-729-599-3 ,Dt.2018
- Published a book as a co- author named Bharatiya Sabhyatar Bibartan :Prak likhan yug theke Prak Gupta Yug, Kalyani Publishers,ISBN978-93-272-9688-4.Dt.2018
- Published a book as sole author named HS Exam Secret , Chhaya Prakashani Pvt.Ltd. 2016
- Published a book as sole author named Madhyamik Exam Secret , Chhaya Prakashani Pvt.Ltd. 2016
- Published a book as a co -author named Prashnattore Itihas Of Paribesh , Oriental Book Company Pvt. Ltd .Dt .2016
- Published a book as sole author named Madhyamik Itihas O Paribesh , Oriental Book Company Pvt . Ltd. T.B. No. HISTORY (B)/2016/T19/30 Dt.04.11.2015
- Published a book as sole author named Siligurir Itihas (Pratham khanda ) ,Aajker Siliguri , 2014
- Published a project book as sole author named Uchcha Madhyamik Itihas Prokalpa Rupayanpatra , Oriental Book Company Pvt.Ltd., ISBN-978-93-82886-37-2 Dt.2014
- Published a book as a author named Sahaje Itihas , Oriental Book Company Pvt. Ltd. ISBN – 978-93-82886-09-9 Dt. 2014
- Published a book as sole author named Third Eye , Kamal Infotech , 2014
- Member, Governing Body
- Member , IQAC
- Member, Academic Sub-Committee
- Member, Admission Committee
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- Member, Finance & Purchase Committee
- College Building & Infrastructure Committee
- Member, Internal Complaints Committee(Anti-Ragging)
- Member, Grievance Redressal Cell
- Member, Student Welfare : Sports Committee
- Member, Student Welfare : Magazine Committee
- Member, Student Welfare :Award Committee
- College Nodal Officer-II, Electoral Literacy Club