State Aided College Teacher
Department of Zoology
Dr Basu has been working on zooplankton diversity studies in respect to various environmental parameters. She is also working on the impacts of heavy metals and pesticides on the food chain and other ecosystems. She is studying on the impact of climate change in the environment and its effect on the socio-economic life of the people. She is working in collaboration with ICAR-CIFRI and Jadavpur University at present.
Research areas of Dr. Sanghamitra Basu are as follows:
- Ecology (ZOOACOR02T)
- Ecology lab (ZOOACOR02P)
- Chordates (ZOOACOR05T)
- Biochemistry (ZOOACOR07T)
- Physiology: Life sustaining system (ZOOACOR09T)
- Physiology: Life sustaining system Lab (ZOOACOR09P)
- Molecular Biology (ZOOACOR011T)
- Genetics Lab (ZOOACOR012P)
- Evolutionary Biology (ZOOACOR014T)
- Evolutionary Biology Lab (ZOOACOR014P)
- Animal Behavior and Chronobiology (ZOOADSE01T)
- Animal Behavior and Chronobiology Lab (ZOOADSE01P)
- Wildlife and Conservation (ZOOADSE06T)
- Wildlife and Conservation Lab (ZOOADSE06P)
- Animal Diversity (ZOOHGEC01T)
- Physiology and Biochemistry (ZOOHGEC02T)
- Insect, vectors and disease (ZOOHGEC03T)
- Environment and Public health (ZOOHGEC04T)
- Environment and Public health Lab (ZOOHGEC04P)
- Basu, S., Gogoi, P., Bhattacharyya, S., Das, S. K., & Das, B. K. (2022). Variability in the zooplankton assemblages in relation to environmental variables in the tidal creeks of Sundarbans estuarine system, India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-22.
- Basu, S., Chanda, A., Gogoi, P., Bhattacharyya, S. 2021. A Multi-decadal Comparative Analysis of a Set of Physicochemical and Nutrient Parameters in the Tropical Tidal Creeks of Indian Sundarbans Mangrove Biosphere Reserve. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences, 37(1), 303-312.
- Basu, S., Bhattacharyya, S., Gogoi, P., Dasgupta, S., Das, S. K. 2021. Variations of surface water quality in selected tidal creeks of Sagar Island, Indian Sundarban eco- region: A multivariate approach. Applied Water Science, 11(3), 1-11.
- Basu, S., Chanda, A., Gogoi, P., Bhattacharyya, S. 2021. Organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals in the zooplankton, fishes, and shrimps of tropical shallow tidal creeks and the associated human health risk. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 165, 112170.
- Basu, S., Ghosh, and A, K. 2016. Climate change, Role of Zooplankton and Impact in Higher Tropic Levels in Indian Sundarban Delta, Indian Journal of Landscape and Ecosystems and Ecological Studies, 39(2): 40-52.
Book Chapters
- Basu, S., Chanda, A., Das, S., & Bhattacharyya, S. (2021). Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Coastal and Estuarine Regions Adjoining the Indian Periphery of the Bay of Bengal. In Estuarine Biogeochemical Dynamics of the East Coast of India (pp. 103-110). Springer, Cham.
- Served as Paper-setter in UG-CBCS SEM5 General Examination of W.B.S.U.
- Served as Paper-setter in M.A. Examination of R.B.U.
- Served as Examiner in UG-CBCS SEM1 Honours Examination of W.B.S.U.
- Served as Scrutineer in UG-CBCS SEM1 General Examination of W.B.S.U.
- Serving as Peer Reviewer of the “Science of The Total Environment”, ELSEVIER from December 2022 till date.
- Presented (Poster) in the National conference on ‘‘Current Status on Faunal Diversity of Mangrove Ecosystem in India’’ 2017 held at ZSI and presented (poster) on the same theme.
- Presented (Oral) in the National Seminar on ‘‘Emerging trends in Environmental Science and Technology’’, 2017 held at Jadavpur University, and presented a paper on Bio-restoration.
- Presented (Oral) in the One-day seminar on ‘‘Current Environmental Issues’, 2018 held at Jadavpur University and presented (Oral) on Water Crisis.
- Presented paper in the International Biodiversity Congress, 2018 held at Forest Research Institute on September 2018, Dehradoon, and presented paper on Changing Trend in Zooplankton community –decadal study around Sagar Island, Indian Sundarban Delta’’
- Presented paper in the ‘International Conference on Livelihood promotion, Biodiversity Conservation and Social Security in Indian Sundarbans’, 2018 held at Jharkhali, Sundarbans and presented paper on ‘An account of biodiversity and conservation of marine aquatic ecosystem of Indian Sundarbans’.
- Presented paper in the International Conference on Sustainable Environment & Healthcare (ICSEH 2019) at Jadavpur University on December 2019 organized by Lincoln University, Malaysia in collaboration with Dr Tarak Nath Podder Memorial
- Foundation, Centre for Disaster Preparedness & Management, Jadavpur University & Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute, Kolkata.
- Presented paper in the international seminar on ‘Microbiology: State of the Art’ on December 2019 organized by IQAC of Sarojini Naidu College for Women in collaboration with Lincoln University, Malaysia & Biological Sciences departments of Sarojini Naidu College for Women.
- Participated (Online) in ONE EU Conference (Health, Environment and Society) on 2022 at Brussels and Online.
Workshops & Training
- Participated at National workshop on ‘Usage of Fold scope’ held at Agartala, Tripura in November,2018.
- Participated in 5 days hands-on training program on ‘Advances in enumeration and taxonomic identification of plankton community in inland open waters’ held from December 9th to December 13th , 2019 at ICAR-CIFRI headquarter, Barrackpore, Kolkata.
- Participated in Hands on training workshop on ‘Peek into Bio-diversity and Beyond: A hands-on training workshop on NGS’ (Next Generation Sequencing) organized by IISER Kolkata on March, 2022 at IISER, Kolkata.
- Participated in 2022 Great Backyard Bird Count on June, 2022.
- Participated in Faculty Development Program on ‘Preparedness for the revised Accreditation Framework 2022’ conducted by WB state council of Higher Education in collaboration with Numerous Colleges of West Bengal State University on September 2022 at ASSANA Bhawan, Kolkata.
Best presenter award for Oral Presentation on Indian Sundarbans-various biodiversity aspects in ICSEH International Conference on Sustainable Environment & Healthcare, held at Jadavpur University, Kolkata in December 2019.
- Standard Molecular Biology Techniques (SDS-PAGE, PCR; DNA Isolation);
- UV- Spectrophotometry;
- Dissection and Counting of Zooplankton;
- Handling GC-MS (Elementary only);
- Handling Laboratory instruments (Turbidity Meter;
- AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry);
- Centrifuge,
- COD Digestion Apparatus, Incubator, Water Bath etc.);
- Sampling of Plankton in field;
- Next Generation Sequencing (Elementary only);
- Conducting structured interviews with Fishermen Communities;
- Basic Statistics