Sayani Sen
State Aided College Teacher
Department of Computer Application
I am currently working as a State Aided College Teacher in the Department of Computer Application at Sarojini Naidu College for Women. I am working in this college,as a Guest Lecturer in the Department of Computer Application (Major) from January 2015 and as a College Full-Time Lecturer in the Department of Computer Application (Major) from July 2015. My total teaching experience is 8 years 6 months. I have served as Internal and External Examiners in UG level examinations for West Bengal State University and also acted as a question paper setter for WBSU from 2015.I have come across a NAAC Visit to our college November 2015.
Before starting my teaching career, I completed my M.Tech in CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) from University of Kalyani in 2015.I have completed my M.Sc. in Computer Science from St. Xavier’s College(Autonomous),Kolkata under University of Calcutta in 2013 .
I have completed my B.SC( Hons.) in Computer Science in the year 2011 and was awarded by the former Governor of West Bengal His Excellency Shri M.K .Narayanan for standing First-Class-First from University of Kalyani .
During my M.Sc and M.Tech I have worked on Image Encryption and Steganography and published three Conference Papers in International Conferences in collaboration with ISI (Indian Statistical Institute).
Currently, I am working on my Research fields for my Ph.D. from MAKAUT( Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology).
My research activities are in the area of Internet of Things. More precisely, my interesting fields are:
- IoV(Internet of Vehicles)
- Wireless Sensor Network
- Remote Healthcare
Currently, I am teaching the following courses in the Department of BCA and Computer Science.
- Computer Fundamental
(Code: CMAACOR02T) - Programming Fundamental using C
(Code: CMAACOR01T, CMAACOR01P) - Computer System Architecture
(Code: CMAACOR04T) - Multimedia Systems and Applications
(Code: CMAACOR08T,CMAGCOR04T,CMAGCOR04P) - Database Management Systems
(Code: CMAACOR05T, CMAGCOR02T,CMAGCOR02P) - Discrete Structure
(Code: CMAACOR07T) - Operating System
(Code: CMSACOR06T,CMSACOR06P) - Computer Network and Internet Technologies
(Code: CMAGCOR03P) - Software Engineering
(Code: CMAGDSE04T) - Artificial Intelligence
(Code: CMAACOR11T and CMAACOR11P) - Theory of Computation
(Code: CMAACOR14T) - Design and Analysis of Algorithm
(Code: CMAACOR13T)
Previously I have also taught C programming language, C++ programming language, Networking, Automata Theory, Visual Basic 6.0, Prolog- Artificial Intelligence in the B.Sc. CMAV (Major) Degree Course.
Conference Proceedings
- A Non Adaptive Partial Encryption of Grayscale Images Based on Chaos, Published by Science Direct, Elsevier (Procedia Technology).
Authors : Sukalyan Som, Sayani SenLink: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/22120173/10
Published in Procedia Technology, Elsevier, Science Direct in the First International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Modeling, Techniques and Applications (CIMTA-2013)held at Dept of CSE, University of Kalyani on 27th-28th September, 2013.
- A No Reference Image Authentication Scheme Based On Digital Watermark;, Published by Springer
Authors : Sukalyan Som, Suman Mahapatra, Sayani SenLink: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-81-322- 2250-7_74/
Published in Springer in the Second International Conference on INformation systems Design and Intelligent Applications (INDIA-2015)held at Dept of CSE, University of Kalyani on 8th-9th January 2015.
- A Selective Bitplane Based Encryption of Grayscale Images with Tamper Detection, Localization and Recovery Based on Watermark, Published by Springer. Authors : Sukalyan Som, Sayani Sen, Suman Mahapatra, Sarbani Palit
Published in Springer in the Second International Conference on INformation systems Design and Intelligent Applications (INDIA-2015)held at Dept of CSE, University of Kalyani on 8th- 9th January,2015.
Book Chapters
- Sayani Sen, Sathi Roy, Suparna Biswas, Chandreyee Chowdhury, “ Security- and Privacy Aware Computing in Cloud With User Mobility: An Extensive Review ”, Modern Principles, Practices, and Algorithms for Cloud Security, IGI Global, September 2019.
ISBN: 9781799810827
Link: https://www.igi-global.com/book/modern-principles-practices-algorithms-cloud/230988
- Ramesh Saha, Sayani Sen, Jayita Saha, Asmita Nandy, Suparna Biswas, Chandreyee Chowdhury , “ Ontology based intelligent decision support systems: a systematic approach ”, Book chapter in Book “Web Semantics – Cutting Edge and Future Directions in Health Care “, Web Semantics (WS 2020), Published in Science Direct, Elsevier in 2021.
DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-822468-7.00005-5,
ISBN: 978-0-12-822468-7
Link : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128224687000055
- Tumpa Pal, Ramesh Saha, Sayani Sen, Sohail Saif and Suparna Biswas,” Architecture for Smart Healthcare: Cloud vs Edge ” ITSH 2020 (Internet of Things Based Smart Healthcare) ,Pg -23-48 in the book Smart Computing and Intelligence ,in Springer 2022.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-1408-9_2
ISBN : 978-981-19-1407-2
ISSN : 2522-0896 (electronic),
ISBN : 978-981-19-1408-9 (eBook)
Link: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-981-19-1408-9_2
- A Member of Placement Cell
- I have done a Faculty Development Program for the Course on Campus to Corporate organized by TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES ,January 2016
- I have been appointed as a ” TCS Certified Facilitator ” in the college for the Campus to Corporate Recruitment Programme from February 2016 to till date