Sarojini Naidu College for Women

Affiliated to West Bengal State University

Govt Sponsored, Estd. 1956, UGC

NAAC Re-accredited with Grade "A" (3rd Cycle)

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Dipanwita Choudhury

Dipanwita Choudhury

Dipanwita Choudhury

Dr. Dipanwita Choudhury


Associate Professor
Department of Botany



Dr. Dipanwita Choudhury is an Associate Professor in the Department of Botany, Sarojini Naidu College for Women since April, 2000. Dr. Choudhury was awarded Ph.D degree from University of Calcutta. She was awarded a fellowship in Indo-German Collaboration and visited German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ), Heidelberg for six months. Dr. Choudhury had enjoyed Post Doctoral CSIR fellowship for Three years (1992-1995).


Research areas of Dr. Dipanwita Choudhury are as follows:

  • Cell biology and tissue culture
Currently, Dr. Dipanwita Choudhury is teaching the following courses:

  1. Phycology and microbiology(BOTACOR01T)
  2. Biomolecules and cell biology(BOTACOR02T)
  3. Genetics(BOTACOR07T
  4. Molecular Biology(BOTACOR08T)
  5. Plant Physiology(BOTACOR012T)
  6. Analytical techniques in plant science(BOTADSE04T)
  7. Biostatistics(BOTADSE06T)
Journal Articles

  1. Timings of DNA synthesis in the nucleoli of Allium cepa L. Cell Biol Int Rep14(2): 173-177
  2. Some biochemical and cytological studies in relation to organogenesis in Nigella sativa L Bull Life Sciences 4:21-28
  3. The nature of two different types of nucleolar bodies in plant cells Cell Chr Res 15(1):17-19
  4. Cytological and macromolecular changes during in vitro growth and regeneration in Vigna unguiculata(L) Cell Chr Res 10:64-71
  5. Ring shaped nucleoli in undifferentiated callus tissues of Vigna unguiculata.Cell Chr Res 19(1):19-25
  6. Ghosh S and Bhattacharya D (1988) Comparitive cytological and biochemical studies in cells of Vigna unguiculata(L) Walp. During growth and regeneration Economic Plants and microbes (Ed R.P Purkayastha) Today & Tommorow’s Printers and Publishers:107-113 (1988)

Book Chapters

  1. Classification of Plant Kingdom & Systemic Botany- Uchha Madhyamik Jibobidya Published from Rabindra Mukta vidyalaya (2004)
  1. Admission committee
  2. Builiding and infrastructure committee
  3. Internal complaints committee (Antiragging Committee)
  4. Hostel committee