Biography: Dr. Jaydeep Rishi is an Associate Professor and Joint PG Coordinator of the Department of English at Sarojini Naidu College for Women. He has been teaching English literature and language at UG and PG levels for more than two decades and is presently one of the recognized supervisors of West Bengal State University for M.Phil. and Ph.D. courses.
Dr. Rishi completed his Ph.D. in English under the supervision of Prof. Rama Kundu of Burdwan University in 2006. Before joining Sarojini Naidu College for Women in August 2008, he had served as a faculty at S.R.L. Mahavidyalaya under Kalyani University since November 2000.
Dr. Rishi is a member of Indian Association for Asian & Pacific Studies (IAAPS). He is also an avid photographer, who likes to capture the world from beyond the lens and is closely associated with Photographic Association of DumDum. He is also associated with Bikash Bharati Trust, an NGO that works for the downtrodden students at Purulia.
Qualification: M.A., Ph.D., Diploma in Photography
University Gold Medal (BU)
Sadananda Chakraborty Gold Medal
First position in Diploma in Photography (PAD)
Academic Interest:
Postcolonial Literature
Gender and Queer Studies
Modern and Postmodern Critical Theory
Travel Literature
Dalit Literature
Teaching Assignment: 2022-23
UG level (Honors)
Semester | Topics |
3rd Semester | Core 6: Popular Literature
5th Semester | Core 11: Women’s Writing
GROUP – A Poetry:
DSE 02: Literary Types and Terms
6th Semester | Core 13: Modern European Drama
DSE 04: Literary Criticism GROUP – B
PG level
Semester | Topics |
1st Semester | Core 3: Colonial and Postcolonial Indian Writing: Prose – Fiction and Non-Fiction
Core 4: Colonial and Postcolonial Indian Writing: Prose – Drama and Poetry
2nd Semester | Core 6: Shakespeare and Earlier English Renaissance
SEC: Course on Data Curation
3rd Semester | Core 14: Modern and Postmodern Critical Theory
GEC: Literature and Popular Culture
GEC: Gender and Literature
4th Semester | Core 18: Project Paper/ Dissertation
Edited Volumes:
- Crisis of Civilisation. Kolkata: Sarojini Naidu College for Women, 2014.
- 11th International Photographic Conference: Conference Volume. Kolkata: Photographic Association of DumDum, 2017.
- 12th International Photographic Conference: Conference Volume. Kolkata: Photographic Association of DumDum, 2023.
Edited Journal:
- Quest Multidisciplinary Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Volumes: 1.1 (July – Sep 2014), 1.2 (Oct – Dec 2014), 2.1 (July 2015), 2.2 (Nov 2015), 3.1 (Jan 2017), 3.2 (Oct 2017) and 3.3 (Mar 2018). Kolkata: Sarojini Naidu College for Women.
Journal Publications and Book Chapters:
- “Mother Daughter Relationship in Difficult Daughters”. Indian Women Writers in the Nineties. Ed. Sheobhusan Shukla and Anu Shukla. New Delhi: Swarup and Sons, 2001. 90 – 95.
- “Where Mothers Travel: Quest for the Mother in When Dreams Travel”. Studies in Women Writers in English Vol. – III. Ed. Mohit K. Roy and Rama Kundu. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, 2005. 185 – 207.
- “Employment and Income Behaviour in a Village Economy: A Case Study of Village Purnaganj”. Coauthored by Amal Kanta Das. Globalisation and Problem of Unemployment in India. Ed. A. Chattopadhyay. Kolkata: Sarat Book Distributors, 2005. 244 – 251.
- “Resurrecting the Literary Foremother: A Study of Shashi Deshpande’s The Binding Vine”. The Atlantic Critical Review 5.4 (Oct – Dec 2006): 63 – 73.
- “A Body of One’s Own: A Study of Violation of Women’s Body in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things”. Studies in Women Writers in English Vol. – VI. Ed. Mohit K. Roy and Rama Kundu. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, 2007. 81 – 93.
- “Ecofeminist Discourse in Pundalik Naik’s Achhev”. The Atlantic Literary Review 9.1 (Jan – Mar 2008): 125 – 131.
- “Book Review of Same Sex Love in India: A Literary History. Ed Ruth Vanita and Saleem Kidwai.” Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 1.2 (Autumn 2009): 201 – 204.
- “Catching-up Uncle Sam! Poverty, Environment and Sustainable Development”. Sustainable Development and Role of Government. Ed. K. Pal. Kolkata: Nath Publishing, 2010. 47 – 61.
- “Achilliser Hriday: Homerer Iliade Achilliser Charitrayan”. Uddalak 11.1 (Jan – June 2011): 174 – 181.
- “Imaging India: A Study of Photographs during Colonial Era”. Conference volume. 10th International Photographic Conference organized by Photographic Association of Dum Dum in collaboration with Birla Institute of Technological Museum (National Council of Science Museums) (23-27 Jan 2014): 82 – 90.
- “Civilization, Progress and Indigenous People: A Study of Two Novels – Paraja and Acchev”. Crisis of Civilisation. Ed. D. Bhattacharyya and J. Rishi. Kolkata: Sarojini Naidu College for Women, 2014. 95-106.
- “A Body of One’s Own: Women and Religious Fundamentalism”. Quest Multidisciplinary Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1.2 (2014): Article No. 3.
- “Motherhood as Enigma and Guilt”. Quest Multidisciplinary Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2.2 (2015): Article No. 5.
- “Looking at the Billboards: Gender Construction in Hindi Movies”. Quest Multidisciplinary Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 3.1 (2017): Article No. 5.
- “Crossing the (B)orders: Globalization and the Ibis Trilogy”, Border, Globalization and Identity. Ed. S. Das et al. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. 32 – 43.
- “Book Review of Reassessing Bankim Chandra Chatterjee – The Novelist. Ed. Pradip Ranjan Sengupta.” Muse India: the Literary Ejournal. Varsha Ritu – Monsoon, Issue No. 104 (July – Aug 2022).
- “Beyond the Cloudy Curtain: The Enigma Named Meghnad”. Ebong Amra (Pratinayak Sankha). 9.1 (Jan 2023).
- “Mother – Daughter Relationship in Difficult Daughters” in VIIth Annual Conference of Indian Association for Studies in Contemporary Literature in 2001.
- “Women’s Empowerment, Education & Market: A Paradox” in XXVIth Indian Social Science Congress in 2003.
- “Sexual Politics and Religious Fundamentalism” in XXVIth Indian Social Science Congress in 2003.
- “Ecofeminist Discourse in Pundalik Naik’s Acchev” in IIIrd World Conference and XI All India English Teachers’ Annual Conference on “Contemporary Literatures in English: Theory and Practice with focus on Environment and Literary Studies” in 2004.
- “A Body of one’s own: A Study of Violation of Women’s Body in The God of Small Things” in XXIX Indian Social Science Congress in 2005.
- “Catching-up Uncle Sam! Poverty, Environment & Sustainable Development” in UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Sustainable Development and Role of Government” in 2006.
- “Global Warming: Politics and Science” in Xth Annual Conference of North East Economic Association in 2008.
- “Analyzing Capitalism: Women as Colonies – Colonies as Women” in U.G.C. Sponsored State Level Seminar on “Development, Civil Society & Human Rights” in 2009.
- “Relooking at Ben Jonson’s ‘Prologue’ to Every Man in his Humour”, Invited lecture in West Bengal State University organized Workshop on the Restructured Undergraduate English Honours Syllabus in 2009.
- “Development and Rural Employment” in UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Right to Employment in Rural Perspective” in 2011.
- “Aadhaar: Privacy Politicized” in UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Human Rights & the Indian State” in 2011.
- “Digitized Identity: Democratized Growth” in UGC Sponsored Sponsored State Level Seminar on “Inclusive Growth and the Role of the Trio: The State, Market & Civil Society” in 2011.
- “Civilization, Progress and Indigenous People: A Study of Gopinath Mohanty’s Paraja and Pundalik Naik’s Acchev” in UGC Sponsored State Level Seminar on “Crisis of Civilization” in 2013.
- “India through the Colonial Lens” in UGC Sponsored National Level Seminar on “Questioning Identity” in 2013.
- “Imaging India: A Study of Photographs during Colonial Era” in Xth International Photographic Conference in 2014.
- “Women and the Colonial Gaze: Photographs from Algeria and Japan”, Invited lecture in State Level Seminar on “Images of Women in Literature and Culture: Feminist Perspectives” in 2015
- “Crossing the (B)orders: Globalization and the Ibis Trilogy”, in UGC Sponsored National Level Seminar on “Border, Globalization and Identity” in 2015.
- “(De)mystifying the Forest and the Feminine: An Eco-feminist Reading of Aranyaka: Book of the Forest”, in International Interdisciplinary Conference on Literature, Environment and Climate Change organized by Department of English and Public Relations, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab in collaboration with Punjab Pollution Control Board, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, New Delhi and Assam Don Bosco University from 7-8 April 2022.
- “Revisiting the Sabarimala verdict: Women and the Changing Contours of Body Politics in India” in 11th Biennial International Conference of Indian Association for Asian and Pacific Studies on Asia- Pacific from Past to Present: Bonding and Challenges held on 17 -18 November 2022 at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand in collaboration with Asean Studies Centre, Chulalongkorn University.
- What-is-Feminism
- Simone-de-Beauvoir
- Approaches to Ecocriticism
- Developing Writing Skills Module 1
- Developing Writing Skills Module 2
- Developing Writing Skills Module 3
- Every Man In His Humour
- William Blake: Word to Image
- Group Discussion
- Aryanisation
- Modern Literary Criticism: Important Terminologies
- How to Teach Poetry?
Name of the Scholar | Title of Dissertation | University Affiliation | Status |
Sumanta Mondol |
Breaking the Culture of Silence: A Study of Dalit Bengali Autobiographies |
West Bengal State University |
Awarded 2023 |
Ph. D.
Name of the Scholar | Title of Thesis | University Affiliation | Status |
Mariyam Khatun |
“Adaptation and Belongingness: Home in Saleem Peeradina’s Poetry” |
West Bengal State University |
Ongoing |
Present assignments:
- Member, Internal Quality Assessment Cell, SNCW.
- Member, NAAC Steering Committee, SNCW.
- Convener, Internal Complaints Committee (Sexual Harassment), SNCW.
- Nodal Officer, All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE), SNCW.
- Joint Coordinator, PG Section, Department of English, SNCW.
- Member, Admission Committee, SNCW.
- Member, College Building and Infrastructure Committee, SNCW.
- Member, IT Infrastructure Committee, SNCW.
- Member, Code of Conduct Supervising Committee, SNCW.
- Member, Library: Online Journals, Inflibnet and Digital Reading Room.
- Member, Online Journal.
Major past assignments:
- Former Member, Governing Body, SNCW.
- Former Member, Finance Committee, SNCW.
- Former Member, Academic Sub Committee, SNCW.
- Former Head, Department of English, SNCW.
- Former Teachers’ Council Secretary, SNCW.