Instructions for the students:
Under this current situation under pandemic, you have to enrol yourself in 5th semester of this college in online mode following the instructions below.
Step 01. Go to the site
Step 02. Click at ‘Personal Profile’ under ‘UG Students’ tab.
Step 03. Enter your Student ID.
Step 04. Also enter your Date of Birth.
Step 05. Type the Captcha properly.
Step 06. Press at Search button to receive OTP in the registered mobile number.
Step 07. Enter OTP and press ‘Login’ button.
Step 08. A window of Personal details will appear. Verify Personal details (including spelling) with your academic and official records. Correction in some fields are allowed directly: i) Mother Tongue, ii) Blood Group, iii) Marital Status, iv) Extra-Curricular Activity, v) Parents’ Profession, vi) Parents’ qualification, vii) Local Address, PS & PIN (if different from Home address), viii) eMail-ID, and iX) Mobile Number.
Then press the ‘Update Profile’ button, if you have made any change. For other correction(s) mail to with supporting document(s).
Step 09. Click at ‘Fees Payment’ under ‘UG Students’ tab. You have to clear all college Fees up to June 2020, by online payment and the month up to which you cleared the fees is shown there in ‘Fees paid up to’ item.
By choosing from respective drop-down lists:
a) ‘New Challan’ option in ‘Receipt No.’ field,
b) ‘Regular’ as ‘Student Type’ field,
c) ‘4th Semester’ in ‘Pay for Semester’ field,
d) ‘2019-20’ in ‘Pay for Session’ field.
you have to generate challan by clicking ‘Proceed’ button. After generation of the challan, you have to select ‘June 2020’ at ‘Pay up to Month’ field.
At the bottom of the newly generated challan there will be ‘Pay online’ button, which you have to click; then you will be forwarded to an online payment gateway where you have to pay using credit/debit cards, net banking, UPI etc. After payment you have to download the payment confirmation slip and preserve it.
Step 10. After clearing dues of previous semester, you have to click at ‘Choice of Paper’ under ‘UG Students’ tab.
Step 11. You have to set your choices of paper as applicable in 5th semester. You have to select DSE-1 and DSE-2 and SEC-3 papers from respective drop-down lists. Then click ‘Update Choice’ button there to confirm your choice.
Step 12. Press ‘Print Papers’ button to download paper combination for future reference.
Step 13. Again click at ‘Fees Payment’ under ‘UG Students’ tab. Now again create new challan and pay online for 5th semester, in a similar way as you did for previous semester, at least for July 2020 to enrol yourself in 5th semester in this college.
Step 14. Click at ‘Logout’ button.
For any assistance from our academic administrators regarding college record or portal: call 80177 11066 / 79809 27252 / 86538 87538 within 11AM to 5PM, Monday to Saturday every week.