Ms. Ria Chakraborty
Visiting Lecturer
Department of Food & Nutrition
As a lifestyle moderator I strongly believe that ‘Nutrition is not a discipline to be studied but a problem to be solved’. I’m a certified diabetic educator serving as Visiting Lecturer of Food & Nutrition Department of Sarojini Naidu college for Women since last one year. I’ve qualified Under graduation & Post graduation degree from Department of Home Science, University of Calcutta in 2017 & 2019 respectively by securing 1st class first rank with achieving Gold medal in both examination.
I’ve qualified both UGC NET & WBSET exam in 2020 for Assistant professorship & awarded with several State Govt. fellowship during tenure of studies & specially awarded with Uma Mukherjee memorial scholarship by University of Calcutta for excellency.
I’ve completed several certificate courses like Stanford introduction to food & health,Food fortificationby ICMR-NIN, Information Technology from Youth Centre, Kolkata and many more with topmost skills as Nutritionist, Patient lecturer, Problem solver, Efficient team player
Areas of research interest are:
- Medicinal plants
- Nutrition,Dietetics
- Unconventional & less familiar foods
Currently, I am teaching the following courses:
- Human nutrition
- Nutrition through life span
- Clinical nutrition & diet for special situation in life
- Food microbiology & immunology
- Food safety & food processing
- Community nutrition & health assessment
Ria Chakraborty, Santa Datta(De). “A comprehensive Review on the
health benefits of Nyctanthes arbor tritis linn.-A wonder of mother
nature” submitted to Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences,
ISSN No.-2249-1023. Dated: 9th July, 2020.