Dt Rima Mandal
Assistant Professor and HOD
Department of Food And Nutrition
- About
- Vision
- Biography (Academic)
- Biography (Cultural)
- Awards and Acknowledgements
- Publications
- Nutrition and Everyday Life
- 2020 Highlights
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind’
Both these eyes mentioned above, for maintaining vision, requires Vit A, which is chiefly procured and supplemented by Vit A rich foods. So without proper nutrition, the ‘WORLD IS ANYWAYS BLIND’.
Studying Food and Nutrition as a subject gives you a chance to be a Healthcare Provider, it also gives you a chance to serve mankind. The pursuit to learn Dietetics and Food always excites me and it will be my great pleasure to impart my learning to make you a budding PROFESSIONAL.
So welcome to the world of possibilities where we together will weave the magic and gift this world the ‘POWER OF VISION’.
Our vision will be a world where all people thrive through the transformative power of food and nutrition. I welcome you all to optimize the population’s health through the application of public health nutrition and community nutrition principles and interventions through the provision and support of effective practical training to all future frontline workers.
- Academic Qualification
- Master of Science(MSc) in Food and Nutrition from the University of Calcutta in 2017
- UGC-NET qualified in 2018
- ICAR-NET qualified in 2018
- Seminars and Webinars attended
- Participated in the programme to celebrate National Nutrition Week organized by Society for Nutrition and Dietetics(SND) on 1st September,2012
- Attended the seminar on Obesity-Complications and Management organized by J.D.Birla Institute, Kolkata on 19th April,2013
- Participated and won the Scientific Write-up competition organized by Saffola to celebrate National Nutrition Week on 2nd September,2014
- Participated in the One-Day Seminar to celebrate National Nutrition Week and won the Inter-college competition in the Department of Home Science, University of Calcutta on 4th September,2014
- Participated in Health and Nutrition Fair organized by Peerless Hospital and B.K.Roy Research Centre on 12th September,2014
- Attended the workshop on Better Nutrition-Key to Development conducted by Dietetics Department of Fortis Hospital, Anandapur on 4th September,2015
- Participated in Continuing Nutrition Education organized by Indian Dietetic Association (IDA) in collaboration with Saffola to celebrate National Nutrition Week on 4th September,2016
- Participated in the conference on Pathophysiology of Diabetes and Diabetes Management-Moden trend of diet and exercise organized by Diabetes Awareness & You (DAY) on 18th September,2016
- Participated in the Annual Conference on the Spectrum of Diabetic Disorders organized by the Society for Nutrition and Dietetics on 19th February,2017
- Participated in the Conference on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus organized by Diabetes Awareness & You (DAY) on 19th March,2017
- Participated in the International Conference organized by Diabetes Awareness & You (DAY) in collaboration with Indian Dietetic Association (IDA) on 3rd September,2017
- Participated in the 4th Annual Conference organized by Society for Nutrition and Dietetics in collaboration with International College of Nutrition, Calcutta Chapter on 10th March,2018
- Attended the International Webinar on Nutrivigilance Against COVID-19 conducted by Signutra on 20th April,2020
- Attended one hour Webinar on Recovery of COVID-19 Patients: The Impact of Nutritional Intervention on Health Outcomes conducted by Abbott Nutrition Health Institute
- Attended the International Webinar on Growth Monitoring & Anthropometric Assessment in Children and Adolescents conducted by Signutra on 29th April,2020
- Attended the International Webinar on Nutrivigilance Against COVID-19 conducted by Signutra in association with IAPEN on 4th May,2020
- Participated in the Webinar on Various Health Issues During Lockdown organized by University Institute of Health Sciences, CSJM University, Kanpur on 4th May,2020
- Participated in the National Live Webinar on Stay Healthy and Keep Fit During Lockdown organized by Tamilnadu Physical Education and Sports University from 14.05.2020 to 16.05.2020
- Participated during First Digital CNE of Indian Dietetic Association-Gujarat Chapter held on 17th May,2020
- Attended the International Webinar on Nutrivigilance conducted by Signutra in association with IAPEN on 18th May,2020
- Attended the National Webinar on Nutrition Security Challenges and Importance of Nutrition to Boost the Immune System during COVID-19 Pandemic organized by the Department of Food Nutrition and Public Health, Ethelind College of Home Science, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences on 5th June,2020
- Attended a Webinar on Importance of Staple Food Fortification, Supplements in Clinical Nutrition, Health and Fitness organized by Hexagon Nutrition on 11th June,2020
- Participated in National Webinar on Lifestyle and Immunity during COVID-19 organized by Department of Food and Nutrition, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, Nutrition Society of India, Coimbatore Chapter and Nutrition Association on 12th June,2020
- Participated in the International Webinar on Upscaling Food Science and Understanding Food Product Regulations in Global Markets organized by Dept of Foods and Nutrition and its Alumni, Faculty of Family and Community Sciences, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, India on 12th June,2020
- Attended the International Webinar on Social Innovations in Public Health Nutrition organized by Dept of Foods and Nutrition and its Alumni, Faculty of Family and Community Sciences, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda on 17th June,2020
- Participated in the State Level Webinar on Virtual Learning: Layers and Players organized by the Department of the Central Library and IQAC, Sarojini Naidu College For Women, Kolkata on 25th June,2020
- Participated in the National Webinar on Entrepreneurship Development Programme on Agro-Based Food Products in Rajasthan organized by the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, College of Community and Applied Sciences, MPUAT, Udaipur Rajasthan on 2nd July,2020
- Participated in the International Webinar on Food and Mood:Aspects of Healthy Life organized by Dept of Food and Nutrition and IQAC of MKC in collaboration with BADN on 8th July,2020
- Attended State Level Webinar on Administrative Affairs Thrusting Upon Promotion of College Teachers/Librarians Under CAS oganized jointly by Teacher’s Council and IQAC, City College on 11th July,2020
- Attended the International Webinar on Nutrivigilance conducted by Signutra on 13th July,2020
- Participated in the International Webinar on Strategies to Boost Immunity by Functional foods to Combat covid-19 organized by Dept of Food Processing in collaboration with Dept of Nutrition and Research Cell,Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya on 15th July,2020
- Attended the International Webinar on Nutrivigilance conducted by Signutra on 20th July,2020
- Attended the International Webinar on Wellness and Nutrition conducted by Assocham India on 23rd July,2020
- Participated in the Two-Day Webinar on NAAC Assessment and Accreditation Process organized by IQAC and Academic Council,St.Xavier’s College on 30th and 31st July,2020
- Participated in State Level Webinar on Leave Rules and Health Schemes for College Teachers in West Bengal organized by Panihati Mahavidyalaya on 4th October,2020
- Participated in the one day National Webinar on Quality Enhancement in Higher Education:How to Make a Successful Journey organized by IQAC, Sarojini Naidu College For Women, Kolkata on 14th October,2020
- Attended the International Webinar on Food Fortification-A Sustainable Solution to Fight Hidden Hunger in a Globalized World conducted by Assocham India on 2nd March,2021
- Attended Webinar on Crack The Shell-The Incredible Eggs-cellent organized by PFNDAI in collaboration with NECC on 18th March,2021
- Participated in the National Webinar on Skill Development Opportunities in Home Science organized by Dept of Home Science,Mahila Mahavidyalaya, BHU on 18th March,2021
- Experience
- Completed Internship Training at Peerless Hospitex Hospital And Research Centre Limited from 8th October to 22nd October,2014
- Former Head of the Department of Nutrition of Jadavpur Vidyapith Higher Secondary School from June 2017 to June 2019
- Winner of the event of Choreography of Lobelia’14 Cultural Fest organized by R.G.Kar Medical College held on 5th April,2014
- Winner of the event of Spin Off-Choreography of Ecstasy 2K15 organized by NRSMC&H Festival Committee
- Winner of the event of Choreography of Agon’15 organized by Calcutta National Medical College held on 11th September,2015
- Winner of the event of Wordsworthian(Bengali) of Crux’16 organized by IPGMER & SSKM Hospital held on 23rd May,2016
- Winner of the event of 2-Steps of Crux’16 organized by IPGMER & SSKM Hospital held on 25th May,2016
- Placed 2nd in the Competition of Self-Written Poem organized by Girls Cultural Forum held on 21st February,2017
- Completed Health Emergencies Programme on COVID-19: Operational Planning Guidelines and COVID-19 Partners Platform to Support Country Preparedness and Response conducted by World Health Organization
- Completed Health Emergencies Programme on Competency-Based Learning: Introduction conducted by World Health Organization
- Completed Global Polio Eradication Initiative Programme on Introduction to Poliomyelitis and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative conducted by World Health Organization
- Participated in the Open WHO Course on Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Competency-Based Approach
- Completed Health Emergencies Programme on WHO Pre-Deployment Pack: 2.0 conducted by World Health Organization
- Completed Health Emergencies Programme on Monkeypox: Introduction conducted by World Health Organization
- Completed Health Emergencies Programme on Simulation Exercise Management: Introduction conducted by World Health Organization
- Completed Course on Pandemic Influenza Vaccines: National Deployment and Vaccination Plans conducted by World Health Organization
- Completed Certificate Course on COVID-19 – Awareness and Management conducted by Medvarsity in partnership with NATHEALTH & FICCI
- Completed the Nutrition Education Programme on Basic Nutrition conducted by Ministry of Women and Child Development(GOI) and ICMR-NIN
- Completed the Quiz on COVID-19 conducted by My Gov, India
- Participated in an Awareness Quiz Contest on Pandemic COVID-19 organized by Department of Microbiology in collaboration with IQAC,Bankura Sammilani College
- National Scholarship- Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship(UGC) for SGC from 2015-2017
- Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship,2012 for securing 22nd Rank in Higher Secondary Examination,2012
- Completed Diabetes Educator Education Programme organized by DMDEA, IADE, Indian Medical Association and certified as a Diabetes Educator
- Life Member of Indian Dietetic Association
- Paper published in the Journal of Indian Dietetic Association (ISSN-0971-8214; Volume 41, No.1) in 2018
The moment you get up in the morning, brush your teeth and start preparing your King-sized breakfast, you are indulging yourself in better practice. Remember, only a well-balanced breakfast can fuel you up and get you ready for the day. The moment you munch on a handful of savory chips at the time of your school or college recess, just think of the Calorie counts. Or you might be following some trending diet on social media and having only a cucumber for lunch or dinner, it is Nutrition which will show you the right path to achieve your optimum health. You just name a disease; PUD, Celiac disease, fever, gout, food allergy, cancer to the uncommon ones like Wilkie’s Syndrome, Dumping Syndrome, and many more; or even to handle CCU patients, Nutrition plays a very crucial role in the management of these conditions. Food is what we eat and every time we have it in whatever forms, not only it gives us the opportunity to nourish our body but also it feeds our mind. Proper nutritional knowledge can act as a myth buster in our everyday life. The way you cook, the way you eat, or the way you preserve the leftovers in the fridge, Nutrition is the science of our everyday life. It depends on us to choose foods wisely and switch to a better life with a better understanding of Nutrition with qualified personnel.
Even amidst this Pandemic,the department celebrated Nutrition Month in a befitting manner by organising the biggest nutritional extravaganza in Eastern India ‘NUTRICEPTION’.
It was a LIVE VIRTUAL PROGRAMME from the college’s official youtube platform to supplement a week-long online virtual events on 7th September 2020 at 7 pm with Prof. Dr. Basab Chaudhuri, the honorable Vice-Chancellor of West Bengal State University, Kolkata inaugurating the sacrosanct occasion. This was followed by keynote speeches of Dr. Urmila Ukil, Principal, SNCW, and Dr. Sudeshna Chatterjee, IQAC Coordinator, SNCW, who detailed about the strides of SNCW, Food and Nutrition Department towards building a healthy society and imparting Practical Education. The department also arranged a separate session to honour the themes of the National Nutrition Month ‘Identification & tracking of children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and plantation drive for promotion of KITCHEN GARDEN under ”POSHAN KE LIYE PAUDHE’.Then apart from the announcement of the results, eminent speakers like Dr Arnab Datta (IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata), Dr Agnimita Giri Sarkar (Institute of Child Health, Kolkata), Dr Ayesha Amin (NRS Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata), Dr. Anu Agrawal (Dietitian, AIIMS, Rishikesh) and Prof. Sankarashish Mukhopadhyay (WBSU, Kolkata) imparted valuable insights on various topics at Nutriception 2020.
The program ended with the much-anticipated session “Convener Unplugged with Dr Arnab Datta”, where Dt Rima Mandal and Dr Arnab Datta spoke about and for both doctors and dietetic fraternities toiling hard to fight the Pandemic in unison. The enthralling session fostered a belief that ‘Every area of trouble gives out a ray of hope, and the one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable.’
With visions of a better 2021 for the world we start off again with fresh zeal and enthusiasm waiting for all our future students who will make the country proud.